Our Services Serving Louisville, KY and the Surrounding Areas

before and after pictures of pressure washed siding


Softwashing is a method used for cleaning the exterior of your home that utilizes much lower pressure than typical pressure washing. Typically taking an average of about two hours to complete, the use of the lower pressure ensures there is no risk of damaging your home's delicate surfaces, such as vinyl siding. Our biodegradable cleaning solution enables us to power through mold, algae, and more.

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Man Pressure Washing Deck

Pressure Washing

Pressure washing removes surface contaminants from your concrete driveways, walkways, pool decks, and more. We utilize mild detergents and high pressure to remove the dirt and grime.

We use a two-step process to clean decks and fences. First, we remove all of the mold and dirt from the wood with mild detergent and high pressure. Second, we apply a wood brightener to bring back the natural color of the wood. 

Concrete Sealing

Concrete sealing can be applied to your aggregate driveways, sidewalks, and pavers. We start by power washing the surface. Once dry, (we typically wait a day in-between unless there is rain), we come back to seal the surface. In order to allow for a complete repair, we ask that you stay off of it for a few days.

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a gutter full of leaves

Gutter Cleaning

Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause costly damage if water backs up and comes into your home. Clean Exteriors removes all of the debris from the gutters and downspouts to ensure that the water has a clear path away from your home. Our gutter cleaning process starts by cleaning the downspouts that may be clogged with leaves and pine needles. We may use a leaf blower to blow the roof off, if there is excess debris. 

Once the gutter cleaning is complete, we do a flow test to be sure they are draining properly. We complete the job by bagging up any leaves or sticks and blowing off your driveway! 

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